Pt Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing. PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing Indonesia employs 74 employees Reveal contacts of top PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing managers and employees.

Overview PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing (CSUL) formerly known as PT Standard Chartered Leasing was taken over from Standard Chartered Bank on August 25th 1995 Since then CSUL became one of the subsidiaries of Tiara Marga Trakindo Group which involved in the leasing business CSUL provide onestopfinancing solution for purchasing of heavy equipments such.
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PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing (CSUL) formerly known as PT Standard Chartered Leasing was taken over from Standard Chartered Bank on August 25th 1995 Since then CSUL became one of the subsidiaries of Tiara Marga Trakindo Group which involved in the leasing business CSUL provide onestopfinancing solution for purchasing of heavy equipments such as tractor.
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PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing (CSUL Finance) adalah perusahaan swasta yang berusaha dalam bidang pembiayaan investasi pembiayaan modal kerja pembiayaan multiguna CSUL Finance didirikan pada tanggal 8 Oktober 1984 dengan nama PT Asia Express Graha Leasing berdasarkan Akta No 69 tanggal 8 Oktober 1984 yang dibuat dihadapan Misahardi Wilamarta.
PT. Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing dan Cabang
PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing (CSUL) formerly known as PT Standard Chartered Leasing was taken over from Standard Chartered Bank on August 25th 1995 Since then CSUL became one of the subsidiaries of Tiara Marga Trakindo Group which involved in the leasing businessCSUL provide onestopfinancing solution for purchasing of heavy equipments such as tractor.
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