Piano No Mori Season 1. Otoya Ittoki (一十木 音也 Ittoki Otoya) is a student of Saotome Gakuen sorted into A Class as well as a member of the idol group ST☆RISH He is voiced by Terashima Takuma (寺島 拓篤 Terashima Takuma) He has messy bright red hair and similarly colored eyes He normally wears his uniform in a casual manner which he doesn’t wear too loose or too neatly Otoya is an.

Season 1 The Viridian Edition Shinichi and his friend Ran Mori (Rachel Moore) then take a trip to an amusement park While they are there a man is decapitated during a roller coaster ride Shinichi reveals the murderer to be the man’s exgirlfriend Hitomi He shows that Hitomi used her necklace made of piano wire and a hook in her purse looped the wire around the victim’s neck.
Case Closed (season 1) Wikipedia
Piano No Mori 24 End And Series Review Lost In Anime
Ittoki Otoya Uta no Princesama Wiki Fandom