Icd Kontrol. The ICD9CM codes used to identify food allergy in the NHDS included 4771 (allergic rhinitis due to food) 5583 (allergic gastroenteritis and colitis) 6925 (contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin) 6931 (dermatitis due to food taken internally) 9956 (anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction with specific codes for unspecified food.

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Severe Maternal Morbidity in the United States Pregnancy

Products Data Briefs Number 10 October 2008

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The updated list of 21 indicators and corresponding ICD codes used to identify delivery hospitalizations with SMM for both ICD9 and ICD10 can be used to track SMM when using administrative hospital discharge data from October 2015 and beyond Top of Page Trends in Severe Maternal Morbidity The following figures show trends over time in SMM in the United.