Hero Uranus. Uranus is a tank with passive ability in the form of regeneration of HP that will be active when he was hitDengan passive ability Uranus will certainly synergize with Oracle gear that has Unique Passive in the form of regeneration HP when receiving damage Tank uranus has 4 skills like herohero in other mobile legends.

Uranus the Aethereal Defender or unofficial name Floating HP Regen Fountain is a tank class hero that’s usually used as an offlaner in Mobile Legends This is because he’s a beast in clearing waves incredible sustain and equipped with a dash skill for escape but with no hard CC and initiating skill which makes him don’t suit the pure tank role.
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Since a hero tank Uranus has a Damege of the magic type the Uranus tank even though it is united also has enough damage it has been proven that very often Uranus is positioned as an offlaner who has to do with other damage causers here is the most ideal damage uranus build for you Build Uranus Hurts 2021 Mobile Legends.
Uranus Counters
Sailor Uranus is one of the central characters in the Sailor Moon metaseries her real name is Haruka Tenoh in the Japanese and VIZ Media Dub and Amara Tenoh in the Cloverway English dub She is a masculine schoolgirl who can transform into one of the series’ specialized heroines the Sailor Scouts.
Galleries Uranus – NASA Solar System Exploration
Uranus has awakened Hero Feature A Tank that can jump into the enemy backline and damage them with his superior HP regeneration Categories Community content is available under CCBYSA unless otherwise noted.
Hero Suitable For Solo Rank In Epic Hell Moba Games
Uranus Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki Fandom
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of in the land [@pungogame #21] Uranus Heroes has arrived
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Uranus Mobile Legends Bang Bang Wiki GamerHub
PONSELIOCOM Uranus adalah hero Mobile Legends dengan role tank yang dikenal memiliki durability dan efek skill yang tinggi Jadi tidak heran jika hero ini sering digunakan saat push rank Uranus memiliki kemampuan debuff dan immune terhadap efek slow yang diberikan oleh musuh Selain itu darahnya yang tebal dan memiliki shield Uranus terbukti sangat sulit.