Clean Bahasa Indonesia. How to say clean in Bahasa Indonesia? Find more about clean the meaning of clean and translation of clean to Indonesian on Kamusnet.
11 Ways To Keep Your Heart Clean And Healthy Part 1 from
HydroClean Indonesia offers 100% dry and chemicalfree hydrocleaning and other house care services in cities in multiple islands across Indonesia such as Jabodetabek Medan Makassar and Batam – to name a few Your mattresses couches rugs and curtains will be free of dust mites and other allergens – making your house feel fresh and clean.
Apa arti "clear" dalam Bahasa Inggris? Duolingo
“clean” bahasa Indonesia terjemahan volume_up clean adjective bersih a clean shirt kemeja yang bersih verb 1 membersihkan we’ve cleaned the car kami sudah membersihkan mobil itu 2 to clean your teeth menyikat gigi ucapan CLEAN pronunciation | Improve your language with babla Watch later Watch on Terjemahan EN clean {kata sifat} volume_up.
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2 (a table or a room) mengangkat merapikan please clear the table tolong angkat barangbarang dari meja 3 (a road or a path) membersihkan 4 the weather’s cleared (fog snow etc) cuaca sudah cerah kembali the rain’s cleared up hujan sudah berhenti the fog’s cleared away kabut sudah lenyap 5 to clear your throat mendehem.
Apa Arti " CLEANING SERVICE " Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
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11 Ways To Keep Your Heart Clean And Healthy Part 1
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clean translate English to Indonesian: Cambridge Dictionary
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8 Indonesian Cleaning Service Companies To Help You Keep
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Based on the Malay trade dialect Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia It unites the over 254 million people of Indonesia (2014) whose native tongue may be one of the over 300 distinct languages or regional dialects.