Begonia Lepida. (1859) to accommodate two related species Begonia bracteata Jack and B lepida whicharealliedtothosein Begonia sect Petermannia (Klotzch)ADCbutconsistently differentinseveralcharactersThesectionischaracterisedbyfewfloweredandbisexual.
Begonia 秋海棠属 from Begonia 秋海棠属
If begonia lepida stops growing under normal conditions of fertilization and water supply only a few flowers will bloom during the flowering period This circumstance may indicate that the flowerpot is too small to grow it and a larger container is required.
World Checklist of Selected Plant Families: Royal Botanic
Begonia lepida adalah spesies tumbuhan yang tergolong ke dalam famili Begoniaceae Spesies ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Cucurbitales Nama ilmiah spesies ini pertama kali diterbitkan oleh Carl Ludwig Blume.
Begonia lepida Blume Plants of the World Online Kew Science
Type? of Begonia lepida Blume [family BEGONIACEAE] Herbarium The William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) NY00118651 Collection.
Type? of Begonia lepida Blume [family BEGONIACEAE] on JSTOR
Genus Begonia L Begonia lepida Blume This species is accepted and its native range is Sumatera to Jawa On this page Created with Sketch.
Begonia 秋海棠属
When and how to repot begonia lepida?
List — The Plant Begonia lepida Blume
Two New Species of Begonia from Sumatra
Begonia lepida Wikiwand
Begonia lepida Blume Enum Pl Javae 1 98 (1827) This name is accepted Distribution Sumatera to Jawa 42 JAW SUM.