Ak Cat. Stubbs (April 12 1997 – July 21 2017) was a cat who was the honorary mayor of Talkeetna Alaska from July 18 1997 until his death Stubbs was described as a tourist attraction having been flooded with cards and letters and drawing 30 to 40 tourists each day (most of whom were en route to other Alaska destinations such as Denali) who hoped to meet “the mayor”.

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The Fame And Fable Of The Cat Mayor In Talkeetna Ak
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This was Mayor Stubbs the cat leader of Talkeetna Alaska for nearly 20 years Talkeetna lies about halfway between Anchorage and the foothills of Denali National Park in southern Alaska A quirky community Talkeetna is known for a few things (besides Mayor Stubbs the cat) One is the Moose Dropping Festival they host in which moose dung is flung from a.